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PÁSZTOR ATA BOTOND #könyvajánló #angolul

Book recommendation of Pásztor Ata Botond, a student at Vörösmarty Mihály High School in Érd

David Goggins : Can’t Hurt Me : Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

David Goggins, the author of this book is a retired NAVY SEAL, a former Guinness world record holder, with more than 60 ultra-marathon (Usually 50 kilometres, 50 miles, 100 kilometres or 100 miles) and ultra-triathlon participations.

In this book he explains how we can gain greater control over our minds, and how can we achieve our true, limitless potential.

He takes us through his incredibly difficult life, which can feel like a rollercoaster most of the time. Escaping with his mother from an abusive father at a very young age, than living in poverty for an extended amount of time, through battles with his past traumas, his studies and racial discrimination. He later explains how he started to put his life together and wanted to become pararescue member of the Air Force, but he fell out of training at the water safety part. Then in the upcoming years he had an extremely boring job and gained 50 kilos. One day he heard about the world’s best soldiers the NAVY SEALs, who must go through the most demanding training schools. In only three months he lost around 55 kilos and prepared himself for academic entrance test. He managed to get in, but he had to complete “Hell Week” (the most challenging part of the training, 130 hours without sleep and filled with extreme torture) three time due to injuries.

His whole adulthood was filled with challenges he put in front of himself to test out his abilities and strengthen his mind. He ran 100 miles without any preparation just to compete in the world’s most difficult ultra-marathon (Badwater) for charity.

In the book he shows us ten “tricks” he used for achieving his goals, and against the odds, always outperforming himself. There are also ten challenges at the end of each chapter for us to practice and implement these skills in our everyday life. These are very straight forward and easy to understand, and they can certainly make a change.

I would happily suggest this book to nearly everyone. It is an astonishing book, an excellent read, with life changing potential, but it’s not translated to Hungarian, so unfortunately, it’s only available in English. Also, it contains some disturbing images and strong language and some shocking stories. If these aren’t setbacks for you, you should indisputably give this book a try.


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